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30 Free Chiropractic Marketing Ideas That Generate Up to 90+ New Monthly Patients

Cary Byrd CEO Squawkia, Inc.
Cary Byrd • February 19, 2019

30 Free Chiropractic Marketing Ideas That You Can Try Right Now

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to work with many successful chiropractic clinics throughout the United States.

In this post, I want to share some of the best chiropractic marketing ideas and chiropractic social media marketing methods that took a lot of time to fine-tune and attract customers. If you’re only able to implement a few of these ideas, they’re sure to bring you a lot of repeat customers.

If successfully executed, these top chiropractic marketing programs can help generate at least 80 patients every month. You’ll only need to implement some of these chiropractic marketing ideas to reach that mark.

Look for the star ⭐️icon below for the top programs to start with so you can easily reach the “80 new monthly patients goal”.

Internal Chiropractic Marketing Ideas

Internal chiropractic marketing is fundamental to the success of your business. Mostly ignored by practitioners, it involves taking full advantage of all the available resources instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a “silver bullet” marketing program.

We highly recommend starting with the programs that have a 'star' ⭐️ icon next to them because they are easiest to implement, have the lowest (overall) cost and the highest impact!

1.) Personal Notes ⭐️

If you think sending a birthday card is among the best chiropractic marketing ideas, then you haven’t tried mailing simple personal notes to your customers. These personal notes can be written in free time by the office staff.

A simple note can read “Hi Adam…Dr. Megan wanted me to check your progress. Give me a call, and I will gladly answer your concerns.” You will be surprised how effective these personal notes are.

Many of our chiropractor clients regularly get a lot of calls from customers who we did not hear from in a long time. It’s true, not all of them will make an appointment, but you are sure to get back customers who have forgotten about you.

2.) Email Newsletters ⭐️

Most veteran chiropractors will tell you how effective a good monthly email newsletter campaign will bring in up to 20+ new additional patient visits a month. Just be sure not to make these classic rookie mistakes:

  1. on’t just send out promotions
  2. Don’t create long boring content

These will kill your chances of having any additional patient visits.

Here’s what you DO want in your monthly newsletters:

  • It’s something that is topical (Example: a newsletter about “Keeping Your Favorite Athlete Safe on the Field” and send it out at the beginning of October as Football is getting into Full Swing.)
  • The “Call to Action” at the end is topical without being pushy.
  • It’s about helping the Reader… not about educating them about the business.
  • It has actionable information.

When you build out content like this, people will open it and immediately have a “good feeling” about the person who sent it (who they already like because they are existing customers). This leads to them wanting to come back in and do business with you.

If you need help with writing, scheduling and implementation we have an affordable service that can help you look amazing every month!

3.) Website Makeover ⭐️

Chiropractors are one of the most researched professions online. If a potential patient visits your website and it looks outdated and even worse (doesn’t work properly) then chances are they will feel your clinic will have a similar experience. Make sure your chiropractic website has these basic features:

  • Call-to-Actions
  • SEO Optimized
  • Captures Emails
  • Google Analytics
  • Mobile Optimized
  • Showcase Testimonials
  • Integrate Social Media Ratings
  • Connect Social Media Accounts
  • Can Easily Schedule an Appointment
  • Feature Current Specials & Promotions

Your website design should also be reflected on the top part of all your social media profiles to have a professional and consistent look and feel. If it’s not then you may need to contact us and find a affordable solution that works best for you 🙂

4.) Two Card Mondays ⭐️

Every two months, I encourage our chiro clients to celebrate a referral card program. This program allows every patient to give two referrals cards to friends and family. 

Each card is date-stamped enticing patients to hand them out as quickly as possible, which prompts weekly visits through the referral system.

Within the allotted deadline, a referral is allowed to get a free chiropractic session. After implementing this program, you can expect around 10 to 20 new patients every month just from reference! 

Here’s a website that we’ve used before that has a good selection of done-for-you referral cards at a reasonable price that you can order today. 

5.) Facebook Page Posting ⭐️

Just like I mentioned in the Website Makeover section above—First impressions are lasting impressions and now more and more people are using Facebook to search for local businesses

So if a patient finds you via Facebook and they go to a page that has a poor logo design, poor cover page design or a page that hasn’t posted anything in awhile I can’t stress enough how bad this makes you and your practice look.

Here Are Some Facebook Posting Tips You Need to Follow:

Squawkia provides an affordable “Done-For-You” service that creates custom branded content and scheduling on Facebook. Call us if you’re interested 🙂

  • Interesting Facebook Posts Branded With Your Logo
    It isn’t enough to just post a motivational quote or a funny video. Your practice’s Facebook page needs to have interesting content that people learn from. If your page has interesting and current content, people will convert into full patients.
  • Post 1-2x Every Single Day
    Like it or not, people judge your practice by how current your marketing is. When your last Facebook posts is several weeks old, it tells people that you “let things slip” when you get busy. This is an impression you can’t afford.

It isn’t fair that this is how your practice is perceived if your content is spotty, but it’s the way things go. Make sure to always keep content flowing on your page and post 1-2x every single day (we can help you easily with this). 

6.) Facebook Page Makeover ⭐️

Just like I mentioned above in the Website Makeover section. First impressions are lasting impressions. Imagine a patient finding you on Facebook and then checking out your page before they ever visit your website or clinic. 

If they see a page that:

  • Hasn’t been updated in a while (if your last post was more than a few days ago)
  • Has no posts, 
  • poor graphics, 
  • grammatical errors, 
  • or less than helpful content 

Then I can assure you they will believe that the business’ staff might also let things slip and become outdated inside of your business.

How to Your Facebook Page a Patient Magnet:

  • A Professional Profile Picture - This is the very first thing most people see when they do a search for your Facebook page and head over to check your practice out. It’s needs to be professional looking and really showcase what your practice is about.             
  •  A Professional Timeline Cover - This is the second thing that people see when they are doing research of your practice on Facebook. It needs to be professional looking and it needs to tell your practice’s story in an image. Having a professional video cover will with your logo will really help you stand out!

7.) Personal Voice Messages ⭐️

If you ever spent time answering emails of your patients, you understand how hectic it can get if you’re not a very fast typist. In fact, responding to emails can be a lot of pain for someone who is mostly busy with patients.

As such, one of the most effective free chiropractic marketing ideas is replying to an email using an audio file. Get yourself a good quality microphone to record your voice on the computer, and send the audio file as an attachment in the email.

This is really a great communication strategy as your customers will be surprised to hear your personal voice addressing their concern. Secondly, you can also provide a lot of detail by speaking on the microphone compared to writing lengthy emails.

8.) Patient Appreciation Days ⭐️

If you have a white board in your office, then there is nothing better than putting some balloons around the notice board to update patients about an upcoming event, such as patient appreciation day. 

It’s not a time consuming process nor does it require a hefty investment. All that is needed is a small giveaway, which should be enough to entice patients to bring friends and families. These free chiropractic marketing ideas are sure to bring 10 to 20 new patients, and you can definitely run these events every other month.

9.) Office Giveaways

Free chiropractic marketing ideas such as giveaways always attract new customers. Every now and then, try to give something that is useful to consumers in that particular time of year. For instance, a grill is a great gift in winter; whereas, a bicycle is a good choice in summer. 

All that is required from your patients to enter the giveaway is a referral of family and friend who may be interested in your service. Your office staff can call the leads to invite them to a special event organized for them. When done correctly, this can be a huge success. Just be aware of the State regulations of what you can present as a giveaway.

10.) In Office Lectures

Many chiropractic businesses regularly offer in-office lectures for patients. While most topics are of interest to a doctor, they seldom attract patients. If you want to attract patients, start thinking about these in-office lectures from marketing perspective. 

Instead of giving a lecture on the right posture, try educating patients about free chiropractic marketing ideas such as weight loss. To spice up things, you can give a compelling title to your event or advertise the event it as a ‘limited availability’ event. 

Once you start thinking about chiropractic marketing ideas, your lectures will turn from boring to attractive. As a result, your patients are going to talk about these events in gatherings and refer other patients.

11.) Office Appearance

All successful chiropractic marketing ideas start from the second a patients steps inside your office. The first thing patients notice is the décor and environment. Regardless of your skills, if your patient does not feel at home sitting in your office, they will not refer others. 

In order to make things attractive, you should always make sure that the weight time is less than 5 minutes. Similarly, there should be magazines, plants, TV and other things to keep visitors engaged, while they are waiting for their turn. Interestingly, an exceptionally clean bathroom will also go a long way in ensuring an attractive office environment.

12.) Internal Patient Dinners

It’s a great idea to ask your regular patients to a dinner. Just select about 10 of your patients, and invite them over the weekend. The only catch is to ask them to bring another guest with them. 

While it may sound intimidating at first, arranging such dinning events can prove a great value as you are likely to be introduced to other potential customers, who will also refer their friends.

Such free chiropractic marketing ideas can create referral chains, which will keep you very busy.

External Chiropractic Marketing Programs

External chiropractic marketing programs can be very successful, if implemented correctly. You can expect a steady stream of potential clients, even when only 5 to 6 of these free chiropractic marketing ideas are executed according to the plan. Some of these programs may require an investment; whereas others can be done without any financial cost.

13.) Google Adwords

It may sound a bit technical, but advertising on Google using Google Adwords can lead to massive success. Introduced in 2016, you can easily learn to run ads on Google using its extensive online documentation. 

When these ads are directed towards local audiences in your area, the re-targeting feature of the ad will surely attract large numbers of laser-targeted audience who would want to use the chiropractic service.

14.) Local SEO Marketing ⭐️

Website marketing is not a joke. These days, you can easily get a lot of customers with website marketing that focuses on getting local leads. A good SEO expert can easily put your webpage on top of the search engine results, which means that you will continue to get lots of leads every month with minimal effort and without large investment. 

If your webpage is optimized for local search, it will be displayed on the Google Map along with your contact info and phone number ahead of the organic results.

15.) Facebook Marketing

If you have a physical or functional medicine practice, Facebook marketing can be very effective. In our experience, people searching for hip pain, knee pain, and neuropathy are always attracted by chiropractic ads. 

These Facebook ads can be integrated with search engine marketing to reap even greater benefits. In addition, social media has other advantages such as one-on-one communication between the business and its followers. Once you have enough followers, you can target thousands of them without spending a dime.

16.) Business Massage Program ⭐️

You can hire one or two massage therapists who are trying to establish themselves in the market. Ask these massage therapists to call local business to set up a massage community outreach program. 

With minimal effort, massagers can persuade event participants to sign up to visit the office. If they are reluctant, a discount offer always goes a long way in breaking the ice. Perhaps, this is the most productive marketing strategy that can provide 5 to 7 new customers, every week.

17.) Get in the Google Local Snack Pack ⭐️

With over 6,000 participants, Bright Local conducted a thorough survey of how ratings affect click-through-rates in Google’s Local Snack Pack search results.

The Google Local Snack Pack results are the top 3-4 results that appear in all local business searches that include a map and general business information. They appear beneath the paid listings and the star ratings and reviews are directly tied to your business’s ‘Google My Business’ listing.

The study found that Businesses Within the Local Snack Pack with:

  • 5 stars received 69% of the clicks
  • 4 stars received 59% of the clicks
  • 3 stars received 44% of the clicks
  • 1 or 2 stars received fewer clicks than listings with no star rating at all

How Do I Get Into the Local 3-Pack?

  1. Make sure your NAP (name, address and phone number) are correct and consistently displayed on your website, all your social media accounts and on local business directories. 
  2. Write articles or page content targeting local keywords like: chiropractors + city name, city name + chiropractors, your business name + city, business name + city and state, chiropractor in city name, best chiropractor in city name, etc…

*If you need help in this areadon’t worry, we got you covered! We specialize in Google Maps Marketing and we can get you successfully added into Google’s coveted snack pack in no time! Just contact us and ask me about the “Google's 3-Pack” 🙂

18.) Radio

Just like billboard, radio is also an age-old marketing practice, which requires a lot of experience to make it right, the first time. If your brand is not well-known in the area, 45 minute to 60 minute radio advertising spot cannot provide an impact. In fact, it will just be like many other advertisements that continue to be aired without any substantial return.

If you really want to try radio for chiropractic marketing, then think about talk shows that run for almost 45 minutes to one hour. During the shows, you are likely to get a lot more interaction, and may get potential clients, as well. Still, it will be a long shot to make these talk shows effective to an extent where they can offer regular income. Perhaps, it is better to appear in a talk show, which offers extensive interaction with the audience. 

Otherwise, it may get hectic reaching the radio station at precise time every weekend. It also means that you may spend one hour on the talk show and three hours in the traffic. Accordingly, chose wisely if someone ever asks you to appear as a guest speaker in these shows.

19.) Billboards

Almost every established chiropractic brand has used billboards during their chiropractic marketing campaigns. Billboards are a great way to present your brand in front of the client. If there are multiple chiropractic businesses competing for customers in a specific area, billboards can work wonders by reminding customers about you whenever they need a chiropractor.

On the other hand, billboards can be very expensive for startups and new businesses. If you don’t have deep pockets, it is a major chiropractic marketing expense that can easily put you out of business. Hence, it is important to realize that billboards should only be used to put your name in front of customers, whenever necessary.

In simple words, billboard should not be seen as a silver bullet solution; instead, it will only provide return-on-investment once your brand has established itself in the market.

20.) Weight Loss

Weight loss is a remarkable niche that fits with chiropractic care. With the knowledge of body functions and nutrition, a good chiropractor can easily talk about weight-loss for hours.

Interestingly, we have found that topics such as weight-loss generate a lot of buzz compared to general chiropractic marketing. In reality, many businesses like us have gained enormous publicity when giving free informative seminars about weight loss.

Perhaps, it is one of those free chiropractic marketing ideas that can quickly over-burden you due to the amount of response you may get from using this effectively. The only problem is to think about how you can implement such a program without incurring a lot of cost. 

For instance, if you are plagued with phone calls, your customer service may suffer because most of the callers will get a busy tone. On the other hand, your overheads will likely suffer if you hire additional staff to cope with influx of calls. Without proper planning, such programs can also drain your cash and energy quickly.

To implement a practical and cost-effective weight-loss chiropractic marketing program, it is essential to understand the excess cost and the underlying profits. If implemented carefully, weight loss program can offer an eager clientele who will be very interested in learning from you.

21.) Church Talks

If you have ever heard about Teach the World about Chiropractic and Maximized Living, these are some of the best chiropractic marketing sources of potential clients. These and other similar organizations help chiropractic businesses deliver a speech on health aspects of chiropractic sessions. 

Before any church talk, make sure that you have some integrity in your own life because it does not make sense to talk to religious-minded individuals if you don’t believe in the power of healing through faith.

22.) TV Advertising

Anyone who is interested in offering weight-loss and functional medicine can buy TV spot, which often work miracles. Nevertheless, I have to admit that TV advertising may not be very effective for general chiropractic marketing because chiropractic mostly attracts specific clients who are already knowledgeable about the topic or who are referred by someone else. 

Don’t be tempted to advertise for more than one or two minutes because good advertising can relay the message in seconds. In addition, always use your office staff as actors because most of them will love to appear on TV adverts. Besides, potential clients will also love to meet familiar faces.

23.) Water Massage

Besides Business Massage Program, using a water massage table is another attractive incentive for patients. There are plenty of water massage tables available at a low cost on the Internet. You don’t need a trained massage therapist to do the water massage. 

Whenever there is a backlog of patients, your staff can ask client if they would like to enjoy a free message while they are waiting. Most people love these kinds of extra pampering, and the doctor is also able to get 10 to 15 minutes of extra time.

24.) Physical Medicine

Physical medicine is a relatively new kind of business model that integrates chiropractic and medical practice. The model is worth mentioning because it is commonly used by businesses to expand their range of services. To be successful, you either need to be sound financially or you should have an extremely skilled doctor in your team, who is also aware of this business model.

There are success stories, but there is even greater number of failures. It is a common mistake to integrate medical practice without thinking about possible repercussions of audits and medical insurance. A lot of chiropractic businesses have gone bankrupt because they did not have extensive business experience that is required to run this chiropractic marketing technique.

25.) New Patients Dinners

As discussed earlier, dinners can be very attractive to get new leads. As a first step, put a lead collector in your office. After some time, you will have enough leads to call new potential patients for a free dinner. Your staff can call them to tell that they will only need to listen to a 20 to 30 minutes presentation before the dinner. 

When your staff calls these clients, the potential client will usually listen because such calls are made only after someone has referred them. People love free dinners, and it generates a lot of new leads when dinner participants are requested to provide ten new referrals. The chain of referrals can theoretically go for ever.

26.) Direct Response Mailers

If you have a good local newspaper in your area, try to advertise your practice on the front page of these papers. It may cost you a lot advertising your business, but it can generate anywhere from 20 to 40 customers per month, which is a great return on investment. 

If anyone offers you to put your advertisement on the back side or inside pages, don’t go for it because most customers never look beyond the first page. It is important to include real stories of clients so your readers can relate those stories to their lives. It doesn’t hurt to get someone to write the “killer ad copy” that can run for several months, if you are getting a good response.

27.) Local Gym Relationship

Building a strong relationship with the management of local gyms is another great method to get regular clients. Instead of short-term screening, which is rarely effective, try to establish a long-term business relationship with local gyms. 

When a new member comes in to join the gym, the gym manager can ask these customers to sign up for treatments such as nervous system evaluation. Most often, it leads to meeting a lot of potential clients who are also eager to try other services that you may be offering.

28.) Teacher Appreciation Days

Teacher appreciation can bring a lot of positive advertisement for your business. You can schedule a massage for teacher on these days. Hiring a good massager who is also good at representing your office will allow new potential clients. Try to take snacks and water bottle for teachers. If the Principal loves it, there are chances that you will also be invited by other schools.

29.) Blood Pressure Screenings

This is a very innovative idea to grab a lot of new customers and get your name out. Used by Mathew Loop D.C., the marketing technique includes reaching out to local businesses to conduct free blood pressure screening

According to Mathew, he would ask business owners to do screening in a separate room so he could offer details of associated symptoms. During the screening, Mathew provided information on the blood pressure, and aptly marketed his business. This can also be a great chiropractic marketing technique for any chiropractor, particularly new professionals. 

30.) Personal Injury Marketing

If you are a chiropractor, chances are that you have heard about successful businesses that had a lot of patients referred by local attorneys. It is a wonderful and very creative chiropractic marketing idea to build relationships with attorneys who can refer personal injury clients to you.

Our experience suggests that you need to have a very strong relationship with a reputable attorney to be successful in this venture. Usually, well-known attorneys always feel comfortable with older doctors who are above 50 years of age with 30 years of solid experience, and white lining of silver hair.

In a nutshell, these chiropractic marketing ideas can serve you a lifetime, if you are dedicated and focused. I have only run few of them, while the rest are my observation of chiropractic businesses that I know very well. I am sure if only few of these can help me become successful and generate plenty of new leads every week, these free chiropractic marketing ideas can also work for you and your team.

Do You Need Help With Your Chiropractic Marketing?

If you feel like you’re overloaded, spinning plates and need relief, TRUST ME when I say this; “WE GET IT“… and “WE CAN HELP“. Just send me an email or you call me directly at (210) 789-2973 and we’ll talk about your options.

Our chiropractic marketing plans have helped many clinics achieve amazing results boosting their clients and revenue beyond their expectations and we can help you get the same kind of results.

Hope this helps give you some inspiration and excitement to get started and contact me if you need any help. All the best!

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